We will still be friends forever................
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
first week
hello friends. it's been a week since i wrote the last post. hhh so many things happened. one of them is the beginning of my new live as a college student. congrats me guys -__- i start to make a new relations with my new people here. i met new friends, new lecturers, and some good looking seniors haha kidding.
actually, it's a busy, tiring and the most desperate week of my life. okay it's too much. but seriously, i am so tireeeeed. since i dont have any transportation to catch the class, i am doing "becak-ing" together with my room mate, imaniar :D but, the problem comes when the class is end. we have to walk so faaar to arrive at our kost-an. fortunatelly, i met dora. a girl from jakarta too. we are from the same department, urban and regional planning. she rides a motorcycle. so, she often pick and take me up at my kost-an. thank you doraaaaaa :D
it's the first week. and i dont have any assignment. not from my lecturers or my seniors. i must thanked Allah swt because some of my friends from others department got it. hahahahaha imaniar, doing her product design assigment
imes pramesti, busy with her achitecture problems :D
imes's tools
dea's calculus book from civil engineering
the did it at my kost-an, so i can imagine how frustrated they are. hihihi. keep your spirit girls. god bless you. hahahaha.
Posted by annabelnoor at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
the clock is not MOVING
hello. it's my first day in surabaya after took a 10 days off and went back home to jakarta. i don't know why, but i feel time is running so slowly here. and now i am all alone. not all alone actually. my room mate, imaniar had fall asleep from 9 pm. i mean, i am the only person who still awake in this room. i just hear the tick and the tock voices from my clocks. fyi: we have 3 clocks here (y)
hhhh, i feel so lonely. i miss my home. already :(
Posted by annabelnoor at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 22, 2010
i love you as my best friend
i'll be your diary, when you have stories
i'll be your food, when you're hungry
i'll be your water, when you're thirsty
i'll be your street, when you walk
i'll be your car, when you need to drive
i'll be your mirror when your face is ruin
i'll be your compass, when you're lost
i'll be your whatever
because, i love you
as my best friend
goodbye lover, it's an honor to be your friend, forever :D
Posted by annabelnoor at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 16, 2010
what's wrong with my leg?
when i was playing "tap jongkok" at my kindergarten eleven years ago, i fell. it has made an ugly scar on my knee. and it is still there now.
i stumbled my mukena when i took religion practice exam in the 6th grade. i lied down on the floor so i can see the ceiling straight to my eyes. i can't move my leg, my hand, and my waist. my head hit the floor. and it was REALLY painful.
i have fallen from my friend's rooftop when i was on the 9th grade. it was the most idiot thing that could happen to me. i ran here and there and....booomb, i fell. it made a hole not only on the roof but also on my knee. so much blood came over my knee and it became distended.if you touch my left knee now, you can feel that there is something wrong with mine. the shin is bigger than the right one. if there wasn't any wood or something like that maybe you can't read this embrassing post and just sitting over my headstone and wondering why i passed this way.
it was about two years ago, when me and my friends took an athletic test. it was 100 meters sprint. my left leg slipped with the right. and guess what? i fell in front of couple of eyes. became center of attetion through this way is very uncool.
the latest fall of mine happened few days ago when i crossed the drainage at my "kosan". the brigde just made by a piece of unsecure wood. i can pass the bridge, but then i slipped. yeah you can't imagine how terrible it is.
and, i think the consequense from all of those accidents is
my KNEECAP's move from the place.
you have no idea how painful it is.
the only way to cure it just with the tradional massage. and i
Posted by annabelnoor at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 15, 2010
why won't you answer me?
There ain't no other
Who can comfort me
Why won't you answer me?
Your silence is slowly killing me
boy, you really got me bad
You really got me bad
I'm gonna get you back
Gonna get you back
Say your faith is shaken
You may be mistaken
You keep me wide awake and
Waiting for the sun
I'm desperate and confused
So far away from you
I'm getting here
Don't care where I have to go
Why do you do what you do to me, yeah
Why won't you answer me, answer me yeah
Why do you do what you do to me yeah
Why won't you answer me, answer me yeah
Posted by annabelnoor at 8:31 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 13, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
my food my drink my love (?)
my first semester subject
1. english
2. religion
3. mathematics
4. statistics I
5. planning theories
6. introduction to urban and regional planning
7. introduction to informatics technology
you'd better love it bel. your life depends on it now..................
can i survive with the two bolds?
crying, out loud
Posted by annabelnoor at 3:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 6, 2010
it happened when i had finished watching the ugly betty season 4
actually, watching tv series is not that bad you know. you can learn anything from them. take the advantages and throw the disadvantages away. but of course, you have to select the good one which makes any sense with your mind. for your information, i dont like to watch even to see the tv series from my country. i know it's bad. i like to say that i'm a very nationalist person. i love and always proud to say that i'm indonesian. but in this case, umm, i cant agree more. too many drama's and too many "somethings" that cant make any sense to my mind when i'm watching the local tv series. so, i prefer to watch something like kinda different with the local one. something that not always about being amnesia, or finding the missing child. that's too general and too much
so, i choose ugly betty as my favorite tv series. it's an another version of betty la fea which produced on columbia with Fernando Gaitan as the writer. ugly betty is more attractive than betty la fea for me personally. ugly betty is worth to see, no doubt about it. it's not always about sex, money, love, the ugly and the beauty. not always being so american or something. it mostly teaching you how to pursue your dreams and sacrifie yourself for the others good.
betty suarez, the main character in this series, is a fat girl with glasses, braces, bad hair and creepy voice who always being bully by another workmate at the mode (the magazine she work for). she hired as a assistant for daniel meade the editor in chief at mode. so many troubles and bad things happened when she worked as daniel's assistant. she tried to be patient and kept take care of daniel. work with heart even it's not the position she wanted to be in. she sacrifie so many important things in her life to help daniel out of his troubles. till daniel promoted her as a featured editor in that magazine. her skill and talent on writing make her meet people who appreciate and love her. surrounding by the great people, the crush-ers, the lovers, the family, the haters and the troubles makes betty understood what is life for. she's always there when family need her. always try to help when the workmate needs some help. always being akward when a man come and in love with her inner beauty. and always being nice when the haters try to let her down. taht's the good of betty.
till she got a better job and have to leave all those things. all the life she went through when she worked at mode, then she moved to london. leaving people she love and love her back. it's kinda tearing watching that scene. the scene when betty went to london.
but she have to do that. it's her dream. everything she always want is in front of her eyes. she leaves people for the good. for her future.
i think we should learn something from this series. dont you ever dare to give you dreams up just that simple. chase over it, like you chasing a boy :) dont be easy to give up, follow the betty's spirit till you become a succesfull person and make people arround so proud of you.
be nice to the people,
and you'll get the advantages from that,
just like betty's.
you'd better watch ugly betty!!! i cant wait the 5th season, really
Posted by annabelnoor at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 31, 2010
cerita dea deliana
di suatu kerumunan para mahasiswa/i baru.......
"eh gue ada cerita konyol deh,"
"apaan de?"
"kan pas emak ama bapak gue umroh, kan disuruh lempar jumroh kan ye?"
"ho oh"
"sebelum itu kan disuruh nyari batu batu kecil gitu kan?"
"nah temen emak gue dongo banget ngomong, 'ah (maaf)tai, gak dapet dapet nih batu'"
"nah pas itu tiba tiba batu di tangan dia berubah jadi (maaf) tai"
"iya, trus tuh orang tuh heboh banget, ngomong 'ih taitaitaitaitaitaitaitai' padahal kata emak gue itu batu"
yang diajak ngomong saling berpandangan....
oke guys, mungkin cerita ini kalo dibaca begini aja gak bakal kerasa lucunya. tapi kalo kalian liat mimik muka si dea kalo cerita ini, sumpah itu lucu banget hahaha. gue ampe ngakak guling guling terus sakit perut HAHAHAHAHAHA.
thanks deh de, yang udah buat gue ngakak di tengah kebosanan gue yang luar biasa tadi sore hahahaha......
Posted by annabelnoor at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 25, 2010
the messages
"guys, gue pamit yaa. jalan dulu eke bok menuntut ilmu :D maafin semua kesalahan gue selama ini. doain biar kuliah gue cepet kelar, trs bisa main lagi ama kalian. baik baik ya. big thanks buat kalian semua :D Selamat merindukan aku haha"
itu dia. sms pamitan gue buat temen temen gue di Jakarta yang gue kirim kemaren sore sebelum gue berangkat kesini (ke surabaya). fyi, gue sudah secara permanen tinggal di surabaya. ya ngga selamanya juga sih. kalo libur yaa pulang ke Jakarta. tapi most of time gue habiskan disini hihihi.
agak berkaca kaca sih ngetik sms ini. agak berlebihan. tapi coba deh rasain sendiri, pergi rantau, ninggalin temen temen. jujur aja gue lebih sedih pisah ama temen temen ketimbang ama keluarga gue. hehehe freak ye gua?
and then, setelah gue kirim sms itu ke hampir semua contact lists gue, banyak sms balesan yang masuk. dan bodohnya, gue gamau liat. gue takut nangis. gak lucu kan gue nangis di kereta. sinetron abis -__- dan gue memutuskan untuk me-mosting-kannya di blog gue ini. check it out!!!
Abel baik baik yaa. jaga kesehatan
yaa. i'll miss you abellllllllllll. good luck ya.
-Vena Jaladara, i'll miss you tooooooo venaaa :D
have fun. take care yaaaa di surabaya, smg ntar
gue ketemu lo lagi pas lo lg sukses besar.
miss you abeeeeeeel hihihi
-Sonia Radix Patria, amiiiiiin soniaaaa. be a good architect yaaa :D
abel hati" di jalan, lebaran balik ya.
akyu kan belom sempet ketemu kamyu dr kemaren
-Zahra Sativani, iyaaaaa zahra makasih yaaa. nanti kita ketemu lagi :D
Kbr2in ya beeel :) good luck y n titidj :)
wish you the best dg :D
-Monica, thank youuuu so much moooooon :D
Hati2 ya abel.....bljr g bner. jgn lupa slt.
hati2 dlm bergaul.... kt ktmu lg nnti pas lebaran..
oke.. hehe
-Jourast Jordy, makassiiiiih jordy. amiiin amin. doain gue jooor :D
Selamat jalan Abel. baik2 ya dsna. yg rajin
kuliahnya. jagain mbe ya bel. hehe
-Husna, hahahah pasti na gue jagain si mbe. gue kerangkengin nanti.
thankyou uuuuna :D
hahaha oke sayaaaang. jaga dirimu baik2 :)
-Rizka Hanifa, iyaaa ske kamu juga yaaa :D
Iya abel hati hati ya di jalan, juga di Surabaya
baek baek jgn maen mulu inget udah kuliah.
Banyak berdoa rajin solat ya anel, semangat ya bel.
gue pasti kangen bel
-Rian Krisna, iyaaaa riaaan. huhuhu doanya bagus banget.
makasih yaaaa. gue juga pasti kangen yaaan :D
okeee hati" ya bel
-M Harry Chairuman, okee thank you pooon :D
Terharu gue bel...
lebay gw..
ok slmt jalan dan sukses ya..
-Fikran Farhani, hahaha terharu mah terharu aja tang. hehe
thank you yee :D
Aaaaa belu, iya sayang hati2 ya di surabaya, belajar
yang bener disana, banggain semua yang ada disini ya.
-Gabby Martini, iyaaa gaaab pasti. lo juga yaaa cantik. makasih ya :D
Huuaaaaahhhhh abeeeelllllll....
pgn nangis gueeeee. Ati2 ya syg.. I'll be missing you :-*
ntar ke bromo brg ya syg... Ntar gue menuju jokja
nyaris mendekati lo nihhh...
-Mandira Bienna Elmir, dirraaaaa gue pun pengen nangis baca
sms lo. i'll be missing you too. take care ya di jokja :D
Okeee deeh abeeeeeel, selamat bersenang2 yaaa.
semoga sukses dunia akhirat :) lope yuuuuu <3
-Alfia Rahmi Yufi, hah? kok selamat bersenang2 fi?
hahaha, kurang seneng gue kalo gak ada lo. amin amiiin.
thank you fiii :D
Abeeeel...slmat jalan yaaaa hati hati disana baik
baik ya bel. muah muah yg trbaik untkmu sayang.
peluk cium sayang :-*
-Marlita Jayanti, iyaaaa lita. makasih yaaa. lo juga baik
baik di Bogor. i'll be missing you :D
Ah abeeeeel :'( iya iya lo ga ada salah kok. yg bener ya
jd anak rantaunya disana, bener bener nuntut ilmu
ya sayang. Nanti ketemu2 kita udah cukces amiiin.
selamat menempuh hidup baru abeyl, bareng putri deh!
-Firra Monicha, aaaahh firra makasih yaaa. amin semoga
kita semua suksess. doain ya fir :D
Okaay, selamat jalan bel. baik2 dsn, jgn binal hahahaha,
yaaa kita lulus sma bareng lulus kuliah jg bareng.
see youuuuuu :)
-Cyntia Claudia, huaaaa upil makasiiih. enak aja gua binal
hahaha. Baik baik lu ye bu arsitek :D
Hati hati ya bel, sukses selalu
-Nidia Primana Putri, makasiiiih nidia sayang xoxo :D
Abeeeeeel, baik2 ya disana, yg pinter, jangan sombong,
keep contact sukses terus yaaa, sedih deh satu persatu
pada pergi huhuhu, i'll be missing you :')
-Isnadiah Maharani, makasiiih nadia sayaaaang.
doain yaaa. jadilah dokter yang cantik :D
iyaaa sama samaaa bel, ati ati lu dsono yee
thanks jg ye, dadaaaa babaaay
-Frista Yulianora, iyeee jaaaang. bakal kangen
bgt gua ngomel ngomelin elu. makasih friiis :D
Yaah abel, yaudah hati hati ya di jalan.
sukses ya sayaaaaang. Doain aku juga yaaa okee
-Siska Dwi Kusuma, iyaaa siskaaa pasti gue doain teruus.
i miss you so muccccccccccch :D
Dadah abel. gantian yah main ke solo nyaaa
hehe muuaaaah
-Hilda Meka Arista, iyaaaa ndha, lu juga
sering2 ke Surabaya :D
Haha sipoe
-Tegar Kharisma, he eh gar :D
Hati hati ya Bel disana. haha
-Frans efraim, iyeeee chooo. sukses ye :D
Hahahaha iyaaa ati ati ya jalannya.
inget pesen gue kemaren hati hati~mahahaha
sip didoain kok bel ;D deeeeeh neeeeeek
-Arman Rahman Mahas, thank youuuu mameeen.
sukseeees yeh maaan :D
Aaaaa abeeeeel gw terharu bacanya. bel baik2 ya disana.
jangan nakalslama ga ada gw. hehehe
-Suci Permata Sari, iyaaaa ucyy. lo juga jgn macem2 di
jakartaaaaa. miss you :D
Ati2 ya beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel.
klo plg ke jkt blg ya wong suroboyo.. hehe muah muah
-Egy Saras, iyaaaa cicih ku tayaaaang. kangen deh gue
nungguin lo di genjing. makasih yaaa gy muah :D
Sono gih
-Andhika Rahadian, elu emang anak monyet dik tapi gue tau
sesungguhnya lo sangat kehilangan gueeee. hhhhh ngaku
aja deh -__- jual mahal lo
huhuhu iya bel maaf jg kl gue
sk ngeselin, baik2 ya. Aku selalu merindukanmuuuu,
kl ada apa2 blg aja ya syg, selamat mulai sukses!
-Ayu Nabilla, iyaaaa yuna. kamu tidak suka ngeselin kook
aaah bakal kangen bgt nih cerita ceritaaaa. i love youuu :D
Ok cuy
kmn lo?
ati2 ajh ok
gud luck n wish u all the best ok
-Gilang Putra Darmawan, ke hongkong gil. ke surabaya
laaaah hahaha, thank you yeee :D
Aaaaaa baik baik ya bels disanaaaaa...
gonna miss you so :(
-Novina Sagita, iyaaaa vina kamu juga baik2 yaa.
gonna miss you more :D
Demi gue mewek
-Yunia Zakiatin, singkat ya yuuuun. tapi berhasil
bikin gue berkaca kaca sms lo hahaha.
love youuuu :D
Hati2 ya abel disana jangan lupakan kita, belajar yang bener.
jgn kebanyakkan nge gaul mulu di galaxy sama sutos, kalo di royal byk alay bel.
cepet2 selesai kuliahnya yaaaa semoga mis 4tahun lagi ketemu
sudah menjadi orang yg sukses AMIN! Pasti kita merindukan kamu :D
-Adlina Stacia, sumpah lin ini bener bener buat air mata gue netes
gaaaaak boooongggg. AMIN seribu amin doa lo. makasih yaaa udah mau nemenin gue selama liburan
adlina ku sayaaaaaaang. gue pasti kangen bgt ama lo. baik2 ya ama adit.
thanks bangeeeet referensi maallllnya. i missss you already :D
Ah abel :) sedih aku hehee. yaudah goodbye my friend see you later..
belajar yang bener ya. I miss you muah
-Petra Tauran, petraaaaa huhuhu. iya pet gue belajar yang bener nanti.
thanks yaaaa. i miss you moreeee :D
Iya abeeeeeel. baik2 disana. doain jg yg di Jakarta sukses ya!
kl blik jkt hrs bawa oleh2 pokoknya! eh bel, putri
keterima ITS ya? lmyn kan tuh lo nmbh tmn hahaha
-Theodora Ivana, amiiiin kita semua pasti sukseeeess.
iya putri keterma ITS hahahah. thanks theo. aku rinduuu :D
Daaaaah abeel. ati ati di jalan ya. Jaga diri bener bener,
sukses ya sayang kuliahnya
-Sis Wulandari, iyaaaa arie makasih yaaaaa.
lo juga sukses. salam untuk ibu, bapak dan aryo :D
Abel sayang gue sungguh sedih baca message dari lo.
gue nangis ini ya Allah.... Take care ya abel sayang. makasih
ya udah jadi sahabat sma dan akan selalu jadi sahabat terbaik
gue. I love you
NANGIS RA HAHAHAHAHAHA. speechlesss. milyaran thanks
buaaaaaaat lo ra. speeeeechlesssss huaaaaa i love you i love youuu
as always :D
Oooh oke bel..sip..selamat jalan kawan..sukses selalu..
jaga dri bae2 dsna bel.. gw pasti kngen lo ko..sukses ya bel..
smpai jumpa kawanku, ktum lg y kpn2 hehe,,,
-Mahendra Apriamilega, egaaaaaaa hahahaha amin amin ga.
gue juga rindu pasti huhuhu. salam buat nyokap bokap juga
s igooooo. thanks gaaa :D
Ati" ya Bel di jalan. kalo ntar balik ke Jakarta, plis banget
bawain gue kue perut ayam! Enaakkk bgt tuh bel.
Harumkan nama SJ di Surabaya nak!!
-M bimo Saksono, bimoooooo huahahahahah sms lo
kocak banget sumpaaah. iya insyallah gue bawain.
siap gue pasti mengharumkan nama SJ dan geng
AJI AJI MONYET di Surabaya. i miss youuuuu :D
good luck ya syg. maaf baru bales. gonna mis youuuu :(
-Ayu Mas Dyah, iyaaaa sayang makasih yaaa.
gonna miss you moreeee :D
Wah gue blm sempet ketemu lo bel, gimana dong?
lo masih libur kan disana? maenlah ke kos an gue hehehe
-Ahmad Furqoni, huahahaha iyeee mad ntar kalo sempet
gue maeeeen yeeeee. jgn lupa planning kt pas lebaran ;D
semoga postingan gue yang ini bisa jadi motivasi ketika gue menemukan kejenuhan nanti.
thanksssssssssssssss banget ya semua.
anugerah banget bisa kenal kalian teman temaaaan.
with my warmest hug,
and coldest tears
annabel noor asyah
nb: gue ngetik ini sambil denger lagu TUNGGU AKU DI JAKARTA :D
i love you guys, as always
Posted by annabelnoor at 8:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 17, 2010
mrs. cold-KOC
Hey baby, Mrs. Cold
Acting so tough
Didn't know you had it in you so be hurt at all
You waited too long
You should've hook me
before I put my raincoat on
Okay, I get it
Okay, I see
You were fronting because you knew you'd find yourself vulnerable around me
Okay, I get it
Okay, I see
You feel vulnerable around me
Hey, baby, what's going on?
You lost control and you lost your tongue
You lost me, deaf in my ear
Nothing you can say is gonna change the way I feel
Okay, I get it
Okay, I see
You were fronting because you knew you'd find yourself vulnerable around me
Okay, I get it
Okay, I see
I step too close to your boundaries
You wanted nobody around to see
You feel vulnerable around me
Hey baby
What is love?
It was just a game
We're both playing and we can't get enough of
We're both playing and we can't get enough of
We're both playing and we can't get enough of
Posted by annabelnoor at 9:33 AM 0 comments
insomnia-craig david
I never thought that I'd fall in love, love, love, love
But it grew from a simple crush, crush, crush, crush
Being without you girl, I was all messed up, up, up, up
When you walked out, said that you'd had enough-nough-nough-nough
Been a fool, girl I know
Didn't expect this is how things would go
Maybe in time, you'll change your mind
Now looking back i wish i could rewind
Because i can't sleep til you're next to me
No i can't live without you no more
Oh i stay up til you're next to me
Til this house feels like it did before
Feels like insomnia ah ah, Feels like insomnia ah ah
Feels like insomnia ah ah, Feels like insomnia ah ah
Remember telling my boys that I'd never fall in love, love, love, love
You used to think I'd never find a girl I could trust, trust, trust, trust
And then you walked into my life and it was all about us, us, us, us
But now I'm sitting here thinking I messed the whole thing up, up, up, up
Been a fool (fool), girl I know (know)
Didn't expect this is how things would go
Maybe in time (time), you'll change your mind (mind)
Now looking back i wish i could rewind
Because i can't sleep til you're next to me
No i can't live without you no more (without you no more)
Oh i stay up til you're next to me (to me)
Til this house feels like it did before (Because it)
Feels like insomnia ah ah, Feels like insomnia ah ah
Feels like insomnia ah ah (Ah), Feels like insomnia ah ah
Ah, i just can't go to sleep
Cause it feels like I've fallen for you
It's getting way too deep
And i know that it's love because
I can't sleep til you're next to me
No i can't live without you no more (without you no more)
Oh i stay up til you're next to me (to me)
Til this house feels like it did before
Feels like insomnia ah ah, Feels like insomnia ah ah
Feels like insomnia ah ah, Feels like insomnia ah ah
Feels like insomnia ah ah, Feels like insomnia ah ah
Feels like insomnia ah ah, Feels like insomnia ah ah
Posted by annabelnoor at 9:22 AM 0 comments
be ok-ingrid michaelson
I just want to be ok, be ok, be ok
I just want to be ok today
I just want to be ok, be ok, be ok
I just want to be ok today
I just want to feel today, feel today, feel today
I just want to feel something today
I just want to feel today, feel today, feel today
I just want to feel something today
Open me up and you will see
I’m a gallery of broken hearts
I’m beyond repair, let me be
And give me back my broken parts
I just want to know today, know today, know today
I just want to know something today
I just want to know today, know today, know today
Know that maybe I will be ok
– Ingrid Michaelson lyrics –
Open me up and you will see
I’m a gallery of broken hearts
I’m beyond repair, let me be
And give me back my broken parts
Just give me back my pieces
Just give them back to me please
Just give me back my pieces
And let me hold my broken parts
I just want to be ok, be ok, be ok
I just want to be ok today
I just want to be ok, be ok, be ok
I just want to be ok today
I just want to feel today, feel today, feel today
I just want to feel something today
I just want to know today, know today, know today
Know that maybe I will be ok
Know that maybe I will be ok
Know that maybe I will be ok
Posted by annabelnoor at 9:17 AM 0 comments
gak penting
mungkin gue akan posting posting lirik lagu aje kali yeee. biar gak sepi. dan mengisi waktu luang hahahahahaha benar benar GAK PENTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING. maafkan ya..........................
Posted by annabelnoor at 9:08 AM 0 comments
trying sleeping with a broken heart lyric (y)
Even if you were a million miles away
I could still feel you in my bed
Near me, touch me, feel me
And even at the bottom of the sea
I could still hear inside my head
Tellin' me, touch me, feel me
And all the time you were tellin' me lies
So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart?
Well, you could try sleeping in my bed
Lonely, on me nobody ever shut (?) it down like you
You want a crown
You made my body feel heaven bound
Why don't you hold me
Near me, I thought you told me
You'd never leave me
Looking in the sky I could see your face
And I know right where I fit in
Take me, make me, you know that I'll always be in love
With you
Right til the end OOh
So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Anybody could've told you right from the start
It's bound to fall apart
So rather than hold on to a broken dream
We'll just hold on to love
And I could find a way to make it
Don't hold on too tight
I'll make it without you tonight
So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Posted by annabelnoor at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
blah blah blah
i miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Posted by annabelnoor at 6:48 AM 0 comments
halooooooooooooooooooo, ah gila udah lama banget gak posting wikikikiw. gue lagi di surabaya loooh. eh iya gue belom cerita ya? gue udah lulus dan udah diterima di ITS. sekarang gue lagi survey ke surabaya dan sedang memanfaatkan free internet di hotel hehehe.
agaknya saya rindu banget ni, membuat jari jari gue yang cantik menari diatas keyboard, curhat di blog mistis ini :D kalian juga pasti merindukan akuuuuu? yakan yadooooong???
haaaaaa, akhir2 ini gue sering merasakan dua hal yang berbeda terjadi dalam waktu yang bersamaan. which means, gue bisa seneng setengah mati namun pada detik berikutnya gue dijatuhkan kedalam jurang ke-nestapa-an. okey itu too much. tapi yaa, memang begitu. lagi labil gue hahaha. biasanya kalo ada apa2 gue curhat ke putri. hh, putrinya sedang sibuk tapi sekarang. untungnya, i got my new diary, my little miss sunshine, Desira Anggitania. hampir seluruh waktu liburan ini gue habiskan bersama doi. hahaha thank you ira for your kindness to escape me from the borringness :D
i miss you guys.
see you
Posted by annabelnoor at 6:34 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
top 20 on my playlist
1. Step Up by Samantha Jade
2. Dizzy by Frankie J
3. If We Ever Meet Again by Timbaland ft Katy Perry
4. How Deep Is Your Love by The Bird and The Bee
5. Tick Tock by Kesha
6. I Love You by Chris Brown
8. Toxic Remix by Britney Spears
9. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga
10.Insomnia by Craig David
11.Mrs. Cold by KOC
12. I Got You by Leona Lewis
13. Walking on Air by Kerli
14. Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart by Alicia Keys
15. Malam Biru by Shandy Sandoro
16.FireFlies by Owl City
17. Party in The USA by Miley Cyrus
18. Blanco by PitBull
19. Starstrukk by 3oh3! Ft katy perry
20. Move Your Body by Nina S
Posted by annabelnoor at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 3, 2010
merokok dapat menyebabkan kanker, serangan jantung,impotensi dan gangguan kehamilan dan janin
Terlepas dari rentetan kalimat yang menjadi judul postingan gue kali ini,
gu suka banget ama cowo ngerokok............
Sounds stupid but, a man/a guy/a college or high school boy (I don't really sure, my definition about "a boy" is similar with your definition...)with cigarette is like three times cooler than others who don't (smoke).
I know its not good and blah blah blah, but in reality, I love watcing the boys (who have similar age with me or lil bit older from me) smoke.
I'm not smoking for sure.(Shisa pun gue gaaaaaak pernah)
Gue hanya suka melihat pria merokok, itu saja hahaa
See you
Posted by annabelnoor at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
my school
memiliki pengalaman mengikuti tes seleksi perguruan tinggi di sekolah yang maha dasyat, maha dewa, maha lega dan maha waw (yaaaa lu tau lah ye gue usm dimanee -,-) membuat gue merasa sekolah gue gak ada apa apanya. mulai dari gedung sekolah (walaupun gak bisa dibilang sekolah gue bobrok -bahkan menurut gue, gedung sekolah gue sangat bagus sungguhan-), lalu otak murid muridnya(walaupun gak semua anak sekolah gue o'on nya kaya gue), wajah wajah cantik dan ganteng(walaupun cewe cewe cantik betebaran disekolah gue), gue merasa kecil super mini tiny bila harus membandingkan kehebatan sekolah itu dengan sekolah gue.
sekolah menengah atas negeri dua puluh satu jakarta.
pada suatu hari, saat gue kelas dua SMP heem mungkin mau naik ke kelas tiga ya, gue membuka situs penerimaan siswa baru dari smp ke sma. pas itu gue mau liat kakak kakak kelas gue pada masuk mana. and then, gue menemukan banyak sekali senior gue yang masuk 68 (yaiyalah secara tinggal kesebelah doang dari smp gue). so, gue berniat meneruskan jejak jejak senior gue untuk melancong kesebelah (SMA 68). lalu gue lihat lagi lihat lagi, banyak juga yang masuk 77, 31 dan 21.
gue bertanya tanya dalam hati yang bimbang ini (mau masuk mana gitu ya ceritanya, jadinya bimbang) SMA 21 DIMANAA COBA? gue cari cari, gak ketemu dimana, yaudahlah gue lupakan kan tuh ya 21. gak gue inget inget lagi pertanyaan dimana letaknya. fokus SMA 68.
sampai pada akhirnya, nyokap gue bilang,
"kamu masuk 21 aja, kakak kelas kamu banyak tuh yang masuk 21, bagus katanya"
lalu gue menjawab
"Aaaah dimana tuh? gamau ah maunya 68"
case closed, target gue emang 68.
sampai pada akhirnya gue pun mulai terpikirkan masalah SMA 21 saat akhir akhir waktu menjelang pengumuman UN, mengingat gue yakin hasil UN gue kurang maksimal gue mulai mencari my another desire selain 68. surveylah gue ke Tanah Mas Raya no 1.
"WAAAAAWW, bagus juga gedungnyaaaaa. mau aaaah masuk 21"
drengdengdeng. nem gue cuma 26,80 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah shit. gue kesel bukan main pas itu. dapat dipastikan gue gakbisa masuk 68 seperti yang gue cita citakan saat itu. dan akhirnya tercemplunglah gue ke 21.
sekolah bersih, koridor lebar, kelas luas, empat lantai, mesjid megah, gedung modern, teman teman yang baik, guru guru yang luar biasa cool, membuat gue sangat bersyukur masuk 21.
hampir tiga taun, dan gue harap emang cuma tiga taun gue di 21.
baru hari ini, gue kangen ama sekolah gue,
baru hari ini, gue gak sabar ke sekolah,
baru hari ini, gue kangen aroma aroma kelas kelas di sekolah gue,
baru kali ini, gue kangen bau mukena mesjid sekolah gue,
baru kali ini, gue sadar betapa kerennya wc sekolah gue,
baru kali ini, gue sadar betapa hijaunya sekolah gue hahahaha
dan baru kali ini gue bener bener sadar kalo gue sangat mencintai sekolah gue,
gue sedih pas tau sekolah gue kebakar,
gue sedih pas sadar bentar lagi gue udah gak sekolah disitu..........
i miss my school so badly :"(
Posted by annabelnoor at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
entah mengapa ingin posting tanpa ada kejelasan sebab yang kiranya musti dijelaskan (whaaaaat theeeee??????)
Yelloooow.pie kabare everybody? I hope koe in an apik condition(?????)
Hadeh maaf ya, hari ini otak gue agak agak gak beres. Maklumlah uan hari ke-4 dan pelajarannya fisika. Ditambah lagi dengan fobia yang agak lebay mengenai ujian saringan masuk institut teknologi bandung yang akan digelar dua hari lagi alias hari sabtu alias saturday.
By the way, jujur aja, demi semua makhluk di jagad raya ini, gue beluuuuum siap (usm). Mengapa belum siap? Karena persiapan gue kurang. Mengapa persiapan kurang karena daya juang gue rendah.
Berucap tentang daya juang,gimana gue gamau panik kan ya, try out usm gue nilainya gak ada yang bener cing. Di bta, peringkat seratus dua puluh sekian dari seratus tiga puluh sekian kalo gak salah. Di vilmer, hadeeeeh lo kalo tau pasti berucap "yaudah bel, latian aja yang sering. Lama lama bisa koo" ih keyong banget deh pokonya nilai try out itb gue gaaaaaak enak diliat. Kalo mau jujur gue pesimis bisa tembus itb (astagfirullah). Emang gak boleh gitu sih seharusnya, tapi agaknya gue tau diri juga mengingat yang daftar fsrd (fakultas seni rupa dan desain) itb gambarnya udah dewa semuaaaa. Ba ba ba ba bagaimana dengan akuhuhuhuhu? Sekarang yang bisa gue lakukan adalah berdoa agar hoki gue pas tes besaaaar seperti badanku hehehhe. Wish me luck yaaaa. Kalo dapet itb, gue teraktir deh yang sempet ngedoain hahahah.
Well, pada akhir perbincangan kita pada posting kali ini, izinkalah saya untuk mengucapkan terimakasih kepada seluruh pihak yang telah membantu saya dalam menghadapi ujian nasional 2010. Terutama untuk teman teman wissenchaft, terimakasih untuk kekompakkan kalian. Semoga kita semua lulus 100% amiiiiiiinn.
Udah ya, makin ditrusin makin gak jelas gue hahaha daaaaah.
Posted by annabelnoor at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
bangkit dari kubur
hahaha hello helloooo setelah sekian lama gak posting akhirnya hari ini tanggal 12 maret 2010 pukul 11:23 gue menampakkan diri lagi. well, besok gue tes universitas and within 10 days gue bakal UJIAN NASIONAL. wish 2010 a very best luck. 21, we are gonna make you proud of us......... we promise ;)
Posted by annabelnoor at 11:21 AM 0 comments